Best article award for the journal


Prize for the best article in Management & Prospective 

Presentation of the journal

Management & Prospective is an international scientific journal whose aim is to promote high-quality research in the fields of management, economics and strategic foresight. Rooted in a rigorous academic tradition, the journal aims to encourage scientific exchange and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Purpose of the prize

The purpose of the Prize for the Best Article in Management & Foresight is to :

  • Recognise academic excellence
  • Encourage innovative research
  • Highlight outstanding scientific contributions

Selection procedures

     1. Application process

  • The prize is not submitted directly by authors.
  • Candidates are proposed and selected exclusively by the Editorial Board.

     2. Evaluation criteria

Articles will be evaluated according to the following criteria

  • Originality and scientific innovation
  • Methodological rigour
  • Significant contribution to the field of research
  • Impact on practice
  • Editorial quality
  • Relevance of managerial or prospective perspectives

     3. Eligibility period

  • Articles published in the journal's annual volume are eligible.
  • Articles published in year N will be selected at the end of the first half of the following year in N+1.

     4. Composition of the jury

The jury is made up of a committee of 3 professors appointed by the members of the Management & Prospective editorial board. In order to avoid any conflict of interest, these professors must not have published in the journal in the year N to which the competition relates. The editorial board proposes a list of 3 articles from which the jury selects the best article.

The jury's final decision is taken collectively, by a majority of votes.

The prize

The winning article then becomes freely accessible (open access) on the CAIRN website, at no cost to the author(s), in order to increase its audience.

The journal also undertakes to promote the winning article widely on the web and social networks in order to increase its visibility.

However, the author(s) may not distribute their article freely by any means (website, social networks, email, or other means).

Provisional timetable

  • Evaluation period: Second half of year N+1
  • Announcement of the winner: End of year N+1
  • Award ceremony: As part of an academic event to be defined

Final provisions

  • The editorial board reserves the right not to award the prize if no article meets the criteria of excellence.
  • The rules may be amended by decision of the editorial board.


Any questions relating to the prize may be addressed to Natacha Cerf, Editorial Secretary (

Rules adopted by the Management & Prospective Editorial Board, November 2024