Editorial Team
The Editorial Board guarantees the scientific quality of the journal. It is responsible for the strategic, operational and financial management of the journal. To this end, it applies the editorial policy, selects the articles to be published in accordance with the ethical charter, prepares the issues, leads and manages the Scientific Committee and the Assessment and Reading Committee, manages relations with authors and assessors, promotes and distributes the journal and represents it, and takes all decisions necessary for the journal to function, other than the editorial policy, which is the responsibility of the Scientific Committee.
Brigitte Chanoine, Rector at ICHEC, Belgium
Honorary Chairmen:
- Etienne Cracco, founder of Gestion 2000, Professor at ESAN, Peru
- Bruno Colmant, Royal Academy of Belgium, ICHEC, UCL, Vlerick, Belgium
Publication director: Christel Dumas, Professor, ICHEC, Belgium
Co-editors :
- Christina Fernandes, Associate Professor Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
- Ramo Palalic, Associate Professor, Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics & Political Science, Oman
- Zhe Sun, Associate Professor, Economics School, Jilin University, Chine.
- Jean-Michel Sahut, Professor, IDRAC Business School, School & CEDRIS, Paris-Saclay University, France
Other members :
- Patricia Baudier, Professor, EM Normandie, France
- Maria Giuseppina Bruna, Professor, IPAG Business School, France
- Didier Chabaud, Professor, IAE of Univeristy Paris 1, France
- Léo Paul Dana, Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada.
- Emmanuel Fragnière, Professor, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sierre, Switzerland
- Frank Janssen, Professor, UCL, Belgium
- Pierre-Charles Pupion, Professor, University of Poitiers, France
- Alain Vas, Professor, UCL, Belgium
- Christina Theodoraki, Professor, IAE of Aix-Marseille University, France
- Anne Goujon Belghit, Professor, IAE Limoges, France
- Sabri Boubaker, Professor, EM Normandie Business School, France
Other Committees
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is made up of professors who are highly regarded in their scientific field. In addition to providing scientific support for the journal, it defines its editorial policy and regularly assesses its activity and its position in relation to other scientific journals in management science. It is also responsible for promoting the journal scientifically and encouraging the submission of high-quality articles.
- Blandine Ageron, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
- Nikhil Agarwal, University of Edinburgh, Grande Bretagne
- Sabri Boubaker, EM Normandie, France
- Ephraim Clark, Middlesex University, Grande Bretagne
- Viet Anh dang, Alliance Manchester Business School, Grande Bretagne
- Sadok El Ghoul, University of Alberta, Canada
- Sandrine Emin, Université d'Angers, France
- Dimitrios Gounopoulos, University of Bath, Grande Bretagne
- Gilles Guieu, Université Aix Marseille, France
- Petr Hajek, University of Pardubice, République Tchèque
- Michel Hermans, ULg, Belgique
- Manoj Joshi, Amity University, India
- Jean-Yves Juban, IUT de Valence, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
- Pierre-André Julien, UQTR, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
- Laoucine Kerbache, Groupe HEC, France
- Ulrike Mayrhofer, Université Côte d'Azur, France
- Olivier Meier, UPEC, Université de Paris XII, France
- Victor Molero, Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Espagne
- Evalde Mutabazi, EM Lyon, France
- Carine Peeters, ULB, Belgique
- Marta Petris-Ortis, Politécnica de Valencia, Espagne
- Jaime Rivera-Camino, Universidad Carlos III, Espagne
- Karine Samuel, Grenoble INP, Université de Lorraine, France
- Christophe Schmitt, IAE Metz, Université de Lorraine, France
- Nathalie Schieb-Bienfait, IAE de Nantes, France
- Denis Schweizer, Concordia University, Canada
- François Therin, Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia
- Tracy Tuten, East Carolina University, USA
- Bruno Van Pottelsbergh, ULB, Belgique
- Hubert Wallot, TELUQ, Télé-Université du Québec, Canada
- Pietro ZIDDA, FUNDP Namur, Belgique
Reading and Evaluation Committee
This committee is made up of the various experts appointed by the Editorial Board, who regularly evaluate articles (double-blind) for the journal in accordance with the ethical charter. To apply for membership of this committee, an expert reviewer must have already reviewed at least 4 articles, and must not be a member of another committee. All new applications are subject to a vote by the Editorial Board.
- Nathalie Delobbe, UCL
- Yves De Rongé, UCL
- Mathilde Fox, ICHEC
- Michel Hermans, ULg
- Carine Peeters, ULB
- Michel Halet, Partena, ICHEC, Fondation Marketing
- Laurent Lejeune, Truvo, Stima (Fondation Marketing)
- Luc Moeremans, Parson Consulting, ICHEC
- Godefroy Nollevaux, Oracle
- Pietro ZIDDA, FUNDP Namur, Belgique
- Sylvie Berthelo, Ecole de Gestion, Université de Sherbrooke
- Olivier Boiral, Université de Laval
- Laurent Bourdeau, Université de Laval
- David Crick, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
- Michel Coulmont, Ecole de Gestion, Université de Sherbrooke
- Pierre-André Julien, UQTR, Université du Québec, Trois-Rivières
- Réal Labelle, HEC Montréal
- Bachir Mazouz, Ecole Nationale d'Administration publique du Québec
- Sylvie St-Onge, HEC Montréal
- Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné, HEC Montréal
- Lorne Switzer, Concordia University
- Michel Tremblay, HEC Montréal
- Christian Vandenberghe, HEC Montréal
- Felix Zogning, Ecole de Gestion, Université de Sherbrooke
- Carlos Rueda Armengot, Universitat Politècnica de València
- Jaime Rivera-Camino, Universidad Carlos III
- Victor Molero, Universidad Complutense of Madrid
- Maria Amparo Baviera Puig, Universitat Politècnica de València
- Serge Amabile, Université d'Aix-Marseille
- Yan Alperovich, EM Lyon Business School
- Serge Baile, IAE de Toulouse
- Pascal Barneto, IAE de Bordeaux
- Cécile Belmondo, IAE, Université de Lille 1
- Régis Blazy, Université de Strasbourg
- Jean-Pierre Boissin, IAE, Grenoble
- Dominique Bonet-Fernandez, IPAG, Université d'Aix-Marseille
- Afef Boughanmi, Université de Lorraine
- Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Université de Strasbourg
- Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC, Paris
- Alain Antoine Cerefige, Université de Lorrain
- Pascal Corbel, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
- Françoise Dany, EM Lyon Business School
- Cécile Dejoux, CNAM
- Jean-Philippe Denis, Université Paris X
- Hervé Dumez, École polytechnique
- Valérie Fernandez, Institut Mines-Telecom
- Marc Filser, IAE Dijon, Université de Bourgogne
- Isabelle Franchisteguy-Couloume, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
- Antoine Gentier, Université d'Aix-Marseille
- Christophe Germain, Audencia Group-Nantes
- Roland Gillet, Université Paris I
- Corinne Grenier, KEDGE Business School
- Nathalie Janson, Rouen Business School
- Jacques Jaussaud, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
- Laoucine Kerbache, Groupe HEC, Paris
- Etienne Krieger, HEC, Paris
- Pierre Labardin, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Delphine Lacaze, Université d'Aix-Marseille
- Riadh Manita, NEOMA Business School
- Olivier Meyer, UPEC, Université de Paris XII
- Etienne Minvielle, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique
- Caroline Mothe, Université de Savoie
- Evalde Mutabazi, EM Lyon Business School
- Sophie Nivoix, Université de Poitiers
- Claude Paraponaris, LEST UMR 7317 CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille
- Jean-Louis Paré, Dean CFVG, ESCP Business School
- Yvon Pesqueux, CNAM
- Joël Petey, Sciences Po Strasbourg
- Thierry Picq, EM Lyon Business School
- Isabelle Prim-Allaz, Université Lyon II
- Loïc Roche, Grenoble Ecole de Management
- Stéphane Trébucq, Université de Bordeaux IV
- Odile Uzan, université Paris Descartes
- Maria Boutchkova, University of Edinburgh Business School
- Yizhe Dong, University of Edinburgh Business School
- Wenxuan Hou, University of Edinburgh Business School
- Renatas Kizys, University of Southampton
- Marcello Mariani, Henley Business School
- Andreas Tsopanakis - Cardiff University
- Inass El Farissi, ISCAE
- Grégory Gueneau, ADALIA Institute
- Karima Ghazouani, Université Mohammed V de Rabat
- Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, EGADE, ITESM
- Intissar Abbes, IHEC Carthage
- Salma Damak, Université de Carthage
- Fatma Mrad, Université Tunis Carthage
- Medhi Mili, Université de Sousse
- Slovaquie
- Hrnciar Miroslav, University of Zilina
- Maria Uramova, Univerzita Mateja bela, Banska bystrica
- Michel Dubois, Université de Neuchâtel
- Paul André, Université de Lausanne
- Dusan Isakov, Université de Fribourg
- Mathias Rossi, HEG Fribourg
- Philippe Masset, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne
- Kent H. Baker, KSB, American University, Washington
- Eric Boyd, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
- John Branch, University of Michigan
- Luca Iandoli, Collins College of Professional Studies, St John’s University
- Tracy Tuten, East Carolina University