Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. The bibliography must follow APA standards.
- Although the full contact details of the authors have to be entered at the time of registration on the site, they must not appear in the submitted texts in order to guarantee blind evaluation.
- Articles based on a qualitative approach must follow the recommendations to authors for qualitative studies given below
Management & Prospective (Gestion 2000)
Updated March 17, 2024
Our review does not favour one methodology over another. We therefore expect the same level of scientific rigor for articles adopting a qualitative methodology as for those using a quantitative one.
To be evaluated, articles based on a qualitative approach must include the following elements:
I/ Methodology based on interviews or focus groups
1/ For interviews: interview guide (appended), for focus groups: introductory guidelines and main questions.
2/ A table with participants' socio-demographic data and interview duration (sessions).
3/ characterization of the database resulting from the transcriptions of interviews or discussions: number of pages, number of words, lexical density, overall readability, etc. (using software such as Textalizer).
See for example: efficiency_to_resilience
4/ a detailed description of data coding.
5/ an explanation of how the data was processed: a semantic tree appended, for example (capture from NVivo or another software program). Providing a table of the themes or verbatims that emerged from the analysis is not enough.
II/ Case studies
Preliminary remark: referring to Yin (2013) or other authors is not a sufficient justification.
First of all, the case study methodology and its form (single or multiple cases) must be justified. It is important to show that the case or cases chosen are appropriate to the research question. This choice must allow for comparability. In the case of a single case, comparability over time or in relation to a particular event (before and after a crisis, for example) is essential. Secondly, data collection must guarantee triangulation and data saturation.
Finally, the methodology is similar to that of interviews, which is quite logical since case studies generally involve interviews. It is therefore essential to :
1/ describe the database (number of images, number of words, lexical density, overall readability) using software such as Textalizer.
2/ provide a detailed explanation of data coding.
3/ show in concrete terms how the data has been processed, for example by providing an appended semantic tree (capture from NVivo or another software program). Providing a table of the themes or verbatims that emerged from the analysis is not sufficient.
Please check that these elements are included in your submission, either in the body of the text or as an appendix.
The Management & Prospective editorial board.
Each issue of Management & Prospective typically has a 'Viewpoint' article. This section is evaluated on a single-blind basis, using a specific grid focusing on managerial contributions.
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By downloading a manuscript from the "OJS Ichec" website, I authorise the reviewers authorised by "OJS Ichec" to read, download, copy and reproduce the article on paper or any other digital medium, solely for the purposes of scientific review, drafting an evaluation sheet and a report including any suggestions for amendments.
I accept that the journal may carry out an anti-plagiarism check prior to publication, in particular using specialised software.
I hereby authorise the reviewers to carry out a thorough, impartial and independent check of the article, with regard to scientific methods, knowledge and practices in the field (context of the research, materials and methods, hypotheses and results, interpretation of these results, implications and references).
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